
House system: The house system plays a key role in the scheme of education environed by Triveni Talent Schools. The following are the objectives of the house system

To enable students to prepare themselves for playing different role as member of a group, community or society.
To inculcate the sense of responsibility to take one’s tasks and duties in life earnestly and discharge them to the best of one’s abilities.
To help every student developed him/her personality and integrity.
To develop the spirit of healthy competition among students.
To inculcated the qualities of self dignity, self-confidence and respect for others views and opinions and discretion to take decision on issues and problems faced by them.
To develop a sense of belongingness among students and to create desire to live in harmony.
To inculcate among students respect for seniors, elders, teachers and a caring attitude towards juniors and fraternity towards all

Study hours: Study hours are conducted everyday under the guidance of the teaching staff to eliminate the need for tuitions. The session acts an opportunity for students to learn and grasp things on a day-to-day basis.

Tests and exams: At Triveni, students are exposed to tests and exams on a regular basis. The reason, to assess their standing and rectify their under-performing areas. Apart from daily tests, Triveni conducts weekly tests, grand tests, quarterly, half-yearly and annual exams, and this is the reason why students are outperforming at all levels of school education.

Incharge system: Triveni has deployed an Incharge for every 30 students. He/she will be responsible for the academic well-being of the students. The Incharge System is adopted to see that every student is individually attended to, so that everyone is successful.

Counseling: Students undergo counseling to avoid homesickness, failure and fear of examinations. These sessions are conducted by senior most teachers with utmost patience, care and love.